June not only marks the beginning of the summer, it marks the beginning of Hurricane Season.
We want you to know that our team always has your best interest in mind. With that, we just wanted to give you a few tips on being prepared for the season and still be able to enjoy the summer!
1. Be sure to seal and secure all windows and doors.
2. Put together a disaster supply kit that includes a flashlight, batteries, cash, first aid supplies, bottled water, and copies of your critical information just in case you need to evacuate.

3. In case you need to evacuate, have a plan in place – know your route.
4. Plan for adequate supplies in case you lose power. Most importantly stock up on water for several days in case you are not able to leave due to flooding of blocked roads.
5. Fill you bathtubs with water to help with cleaning and flushing.
6.If you have necessary prescription medications be sure to go to the pharmacy and refill ahead of time.
7. Hurricane winds can cause trees and branches to fall. Trim or remove damaged trees and limbs to keep you and your property safe.
8. If you have pets, be sure to keep them inside at all times. Animals have instincts about severe weather changes and will often isolate themselves if they are afraid. Bringing them inside early can stop them from running away. Never leave a pet outside or tied up during a storm.
St. Tammany Parish Hurricane Preparedness
Tangipahoa Parish Hurricane Preparedness